About me


Hi! I’m Jordana Balsam – and this is my Balsamfitsecret blog…it’s been about 18 years now so thank you for joining and please keep reading!

First, as you can see, i am obsessed with sharks. That’s about all you really need to know but here’s a bit more about me: I have approx.  two decades of successful business experience in the financial sector…as an insurance and investment specialist. But that’s just my career.

My passion, without question, is and always been- health and fitness and helping people get motivated and inspired to just be better versions of themselves!!

I live in FL which is a Chicago gal’s dream come true and write a lot about the inspiring people around me. I  work part time with my  husband (he owns a Registered investment Advisory  firm.) I am licensed in all things fitness including; a Group fitness instructor, a personal trainer and SPIN instructor and I have and continue to study  Nutrition, Exercise philosophy, Homeopathy  and Naturopathy for 20 years.

For quick 40 second video tips check out my Balsamfitsecret “Tips of the Day!” on my Youtubechannel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Balsamfitsecret

Also follow me on Instagram for more updates! https://instagram.com/jordanabalsam/


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